Practice Memory Diagram


    starting = dict[str, list[str]] = {}
    starting["2017"] = ["Berry", "Meeks", "Jackson"]
    starting["2023"] = ["Love", "Bacot", "Black"]

    starting["2023"][2] = "Johnson"



Image Description Here

Image Description: The memory diagram provided contains three main components: Stack, Heap, and Output.

Stack: * The Stack section contains a single frame labeled “Globals.” * Inside Globals, there is a variable named starting pointing to a list on the Heap.

Heap: * The first part is a dictionary object with string keys and lists of strings for values. There are two keys: “2017” and “2023.” Each key points to a different list. * The second part consists of two lists of strings. Each list contains five elements with indices from 0 to 4. * The first list contains the following strings: “Berry”, “Meeks”, “Jackson”, “Pinson”, and “Hicks”. * The second list contains the strings: “Love”, “Bacot”, “Black”, “Johnson” (with “Nance” crossed-out), and “Davis”.

The output section has three outputs: * The string “Jackson” * The list [“Love”, “Bacot”, “Black”, “Nance”, “Davis”] * The list [“Love”, “Bacot”, “Black”, “Johnson”, “Davis”]

Contributor(s): Created by Coralee Rogers, Reviewed by Alyssa Lytle